Baby Naming
Are you wanting to celebrate the birth of a child? Do you have an adopted child or children that you wish to recognise in a formal celebration?
You don’t belong to any religious organisation and not sure how to go about having a ceremony. Read on and you will find tips and ideas to help create a very special naming ceremony for your family and friends to treasure forever.
One of the most universal, quintessentially human things we do that binds us all together, is the love of our children. We celebrate babies in many different ways around the world in all sorts of cultures. You may have heard of the common ones like baby shower, christening and dedications. A Baby Naming Ceremony is a gathering of friends and family to celebrate the birth of a new baby in celebration of a new addition to that community. Irrespective of our cultures and beliefs people join together to honour and celebrate the wonderful arrival of a new life, a new baby, acknowledging and formalising the name you have given them.
With a Celebrant led Baby Naming Ceremony; you have the freedom to choose a religious, non-religious, spiritual, cultural format as a binding ceremony that is uniquely yours. Creating a lasting memory for the family and friends to share with your child throughout their lives. This is a significant moment in the life of your child and family. A moment in time to acknowledge the child’s grandparents and family heritage. It is the formal appointment of individual guardians, guides, godparents, or mentors. They will all make promises of continued support and guidance to you and your child.
My Fee Starts At
Where and Who

A baby naming ceremony can be held wherever you like, in a hall, in your home, local park at the zoo or on the beach, anywhere you choose.
Godparents, Guardians, Mentors and Guides: You can ask close friends and family members to take on the role of a supportive friend to your child throughout their life. They make promises during the ceremony to support you and your child on your life journey.
Treat your naming ceremony as a formal occasion, make up some invitations to invite your family members, friends. It doesn’t matter how many guests you invite, family friends, A formal invitation helps to set the tone for a special occasion. In many cultures, parents include the local community to the celebrations firmly believing in the famous African proverb: ‘It takes a village or the whole community to raise a child!
In these times of limited travel, we can hold a virtual Naming Ceremony. Inviting your guests from around the globe to join us via the internet.
Ceremony and After
The script is fairly structured aiming to tell the story surrounding the birth of your child. You can share as much information or as little as you like. Promises are made by the parents and guests. The time it takes is entirely your choice usually 20 – 30 minutes. Whatever your story, it is yours and your child’s to share over their lifetime. A Naming Ceremony formalises this part of your celebration, a time when blessing and promises are shared.
At the end of the ceremony, you can have a party or celebration of choice with all the guests present. Some families have a picnic, a BBQ or a formal meal. The beauty of a personalised Naming Ceremony is the freedom to incorporate those personal details and elements that are significant to you and your family. Remember, Names are who we are, marking our identity. Each name is unique and special in its own right.
Guests can bring gifts much the same as a baby shower, baby equipment, clothing, bedding, blankets, etc. Parents may have a gift wish list that could be sent out with the invites.

Personalise Baby Naming
There are many ways that you can use personalised symbols to create a unique baby naming ceremony, here are just a few for you to consider;
Poems, Readings and Music
There are so many poems and readings to choose from, or you may want to write your own. A passage from a favourite childhood story. A reading from the bible. The grandparents or other VIP’s could find these for you.
Hand Tying
Great way to invite other children to take part in the ceremony. Each person has a coloured ribbon or cord of choice either with significant meaning or favourite colour. Following the laying of the ribbon’s, a knot is tied and wetted. It is then harder to undo the knot, indicating the strength and unity of the family.
Sand Ceremony
Coloured sand to represent each participant is poured into a vessel of choice, a keepsake. Layering the sand to show the uniqueness and individuality of each family member. Explaining that over time the sands will shift and move, merging as one united as one.
Tree Planting
A tree or plant planted in a family garden or a pot, represents the growth of the child. The strength of the roots that feed the child as they grow up.
Fingerprints and Messages in a jar
Each guest stamps a fingerprint on the tree to represent leaves and write their name across to shoe the family tree. Guests write a special quote or message and place it in a Jar. As the child grows they have the words of encouragement to read over the following years.
Flower petals can be used as a blessing for the child instead of water the parents each sprinkle the soft flower petals whilst having a blessing and make promises to the child.
Balloons, Butterflies, Bubbles and Toasts
To conclude the Naming Ceremony, balloons or butterflies can be released, blow bubbles or have a group toast. Any fun way to finalise the formal part of the Naming Ceremony and start the celebrations.
“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of
responsibility and the wings of independence.”
Denis Waitley