Oamaru Marriage, Funeral Celebrant and End of Life Doula

Plan B’s for Your Wedding Day

An excellent tip for your wedding day is always to have a Plan B, Whether it’s unexpected weather or last minute changes. Being prepared can save the day and let you enjoy every moment stress-free. Remember, a little planning can go a long way in making your...

Children at Weddings and Receptions

Are you considering having young children at the Wedding? Not sure what to do to ensure that they and their parents have the best day ever celebrating you’re Wedding Day with you.    Children are often super excited by the thoughts of going to a...

Choosing a Date for Your Wedding Day

Finding the perfect date for your wedding can be both exciting and even a daunting task! Once you share the joy of your engagement, inevitably, your friends and family will immediately ask, “When is the wedding date?” Read on for my guide on choosing the date to get...

Witnesses at Marriage Ceremony

Who can witness a marriage in New Zealand? Often, the little things can cause the most stress or get overlooked when planning your wedding day. One of those things can be your formal Witnesses. Whilst all your guests are actually witnessing your marriage, you will...